Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Business of Your Business

     Often times, I meet with clients who are starting their own business and need some advice.  Should they incorporate?  Do they need insurance?  How do they manage their finances?  When I talk to clients about these issues, I like to talk about managing the “business of the business”.  Doing so is not always fun or what we want to do as business owners.  Let’s face it – a painter would rather be painting than sending out bills.  A caterer would rather be in the kitchen than thinking about whether and how to take credit cards.  However, failing to do so can be detrimental to your business.  It is like having a rose bush and never pruning it.  Both will quickly get out of control.  This will, of course, only take more time and cost you more money, than if you had managed it regularly in the first place.

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